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industrial robots offline programming simulation platform578-42

Bezsaistes programmēšanas programmatūra

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Rūpniecisko robotu bezsaistes programmēšanas simulācijas platforma

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MINYUE Technology nemācoša inteliģentā metināšanas vadības sistēma ir iesaistīta robotizētās metināšanas automatizācijas jomā ar daudzu gadu pieredzi. Par nozares sāpju punkta risināšanu. Piemēram, pieaugošais metinātāju trūkums, nepietiekama detaļu izkraušanas un montāžas precizitāte, liels skaits nestandarta un neliela daudzuma sagatavju vajadzībām tērauda konstrukcijās, kuģu būvē, smagajā rūpniecībā, ražošanā utt. Tas piedāvā viedo metināšanas risinājumu, ko raksturo pilnīga integrācija un mācību bezmaksas priekšrocības.

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RobotSmart, the intelligent decision system of MinYue, can quickly generate robot trajectories, effectively solving the problems of complex welding trajectory teaching, low programming efficiency, low utilization of robots and other on-site programming problems.

The Robotsmart Intelligent Decision System generates the weld trajectory points and their positions by importing the workpiece 3D digital model into the software and selecting the points, lines and surfaces on the 3D model, as well as generating a robot program that can be used directly on the robot side, a point cloud model for visual localization, and the created user coordinate system.

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This offline programming software for robots enables the modeling and simulation of robots, Workcells, and production lines, as well as collision detection. It integrates common algorithm packages for robots, including kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning, trajectory optimization and so on. The offline programming software simulation can achieve the same time synchronization and trajectory running effect as the real controller, realizing the real offline programming. Programming results can be generated in different robot command languages and downloaded to the actual controller for operation.

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Galvenās iezīmes

Modularity can be integrated: the software is modularized to customize the different needs of customers.

Collision Detection and Distance Calculation: quickly realize the calculation of the minimum distance of the simulation model and whether it is collision or not.

Collision Detection and Distance Calculation: quickly realize the calculation of the minimum distance of the simulation model and whether it is collision or not.

Forward and inverse kinematics: Supports generalized algorithms for forward and inverse kinematics of series-parallel mechanisms.

Dynamics: generalized dynamics algorithms for implementing series-parallel mechanisms.

Trajectory planning algorithm: can automatically plan collision-free robot trajectories.

Trajectory optimization algorithm: minimizing time and energy offline to optimize the robot's trajectory.

Virtual Controller: The virtual controller realizes precise time and trajectory control, and the simulation effect is the same as the actual controller.

Supports multiple positioner, multiple external axes.

Flexibly build a variety of simulation scenarios.

Iebūvēti 100+ robotu modeļi , Savietojams ar visiem četru robotu gigantu modeļiem un parastajiem nacionālajiem zīmoliem.

Robota sakaru atkļūdošana, īsāks atkļūdošanas cikls un zemākas atkļūdošanas izmaksas aizņem tikai 1–2 dienas.

three-demensional digital model

Ready - offline programming without downtime. Next day/week/month's production program can be done in advance to match the Mes scheduling plan.

Efficient ,non-teaching, parametric, graphical programming, automatic program generation within 30 minutes reduces the threshold of use.

Intelligent - generating reports at regular intervals and reminding of exceptions. Real-time update and management of parts library, parameter library, project library data.

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