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short distance laser vision smarteye wr-42

Лазерлік тігістерді бақылау жүйесі

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Қысқа қашықтыққа лазерлік көру - SmartEye WR

  • қайта қарау


Жүйенің құрамы

SmarEye WR laser seam tracking system is a 3D laser vision system for robotic welding developed by Beijing Minyue Technology Co., LTD. It supports robot brands such as KUKA, Yaskawa, ABB, Fanuc, Kawasaki, Siasun, Guangshu etc . The system consists of three parts: laser sensor, control host and software.

1. Laser sensor is used to collect data

2. Protective glass is used to protect optical lenses

3. Fixed holder is used to install the laser sensor on welding torch

4. Control host is used to configure and control laser sensor operation

5. Communication cable is used to connect the sensor to control host

6. Protective shield is used to protect sensor from arc light and splash.

Негізгі параметр



A(mm):80 B(mm):180 C(mm):70 D(mm):50 E(mm):70

Product parameter/Model SmartEye WR
Өлшем 85 * 75 * 34mm
салмақ 500g
detection period 20ms
Detection accuracy of horizontal 0.06mm
Detection accuracy of vertical 0.1mm
Detection accuracy of butt weld 0.3mm
Detection accuracy of lap weld 0.2mm
Жұмыс температурасы -10~60℃
Электромагниттік кедергі Күшті қарсыласу
Type of weld seam Fillet weld, splicing weld,VV weld,TT weld, heterosexual weld etc
Дәнекерлеу процесі Co2 welding,Arc welding etc
тән Fast response and compact
Қолдану өрістері Heavy machinery, piping, corrugated plate etc

Тегін ұсыныс алыңыз

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