SmartVision 3D binokulêre visie kamera
SmartVision 3D binocular structured light vision system
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SmartVision 3D binokulêre visie kamera
Verskaf brein en oë aan robot.
Produk Model
SmartVison reeks produkte is verkyker gestruktureerde lig visie sensors ontwikkel deur Minyue Technology vir industriële robot sweis en sny toepassings. Daar is twee algemene modelle SmartVison WR en hoë-presisie SmartVision HA hang af van akkuraatheid en omvang.
PROJEK Nommer | parameter | SmartVison WR |
1 | Bedryfsafstand (mm) | 800-1000 |
2 | Naby gesigsveld (mm) | 650*380 |
3 | Verre gesigsveld (mm) | 820*480 |
4 | Resolusie (Pix) | 1624*1240 |
5 | Pixel (MP) | 2 |
6 | Meting akkuraatheid (mm) | 0.5 |
7 | Kalibrasie akkuraatheid (mm) | 0.03 |
8 | Insamelingstyd (s) | 1 |
9 | Algehele grootte (mm) | 233 * 76 * 121 |
10 | Gewig (kg) | 3 |
11 | Bedryfstemperatuurbereik (℃) | 0 ~ 45º |
12 | Kommunikasie hawe | Gigabit Ethernet-poort |
13 | Bedryfspanning (V) | 12 |
14 | Beskermingsgraad | IP65 |
Produk eienskappe
1.Dit kan 3D-data van hoë gehalte lewer vir 'n verskeidenheid metaalwerkstukke, wat aan die uiteenlopende vereistes van anti-omgewingslig, hoë akkuraatheid, hoë spoed en klein volume in verskillende versoeke kan voldoen.
2.Kan hoë akkuraatheid, hoë spoed, aanpasbaar wees, die gesigsveld kan aan die werklike behoeftes van tipiese tonele voldoen.
3.Dit integreer 3D-visie, diep leer, bewegingsbeplanning en ander tegnologieë, neem grafika aan sonder programmering wat modulêre sleep-, bedrading-, parameterkonfigurasie- en nie-programmeringsfunksies kan uitvoer.
4.Neem aluminiumlegeringsmateriaal aan, volledig ingeslote dop, beskermingsklas is IP65, 24V bedryfspanning, dit het CEFCCVCCI en RoHS-sertifisering geslaag. Kan stof, vibrasie, vog, elektromagnetiese interferensie en ander moeilike omgewings beter hanteer.
Minyue intelligent products
Laser naat opsporingstelsel
Many problems such as bad welding environment, high labor intensity, low welding efficiency and large processing error have been plaguing the industrial robot welding industry.Through SmartEye laser seam tracking system for identification and positioning,effectively solve the problem of poor consistency of workpiece, processing error, weld group gap irregular, reduce a lot of subsequent manual repair and grinding work, not only liberated the labor force, but also improve the work efficiency
Vanlyn programmering sagteware
With the gradual release of the demand for multi-variety, small-batch and flexible production, the market has higher requirements for the convenience of robot programming, and the traditional teaching and reproducing robot has been unable to meet the market demand.Minyue off-line programming system -RobotSmart can quickly generate robot trajectory, effectively solve the programming problems such as complicated welding trajectory teaching, low programming efficiency and low robot utilization rate.
1.Minyue technology independently develops core laser seam tracking system and offline programming software products and combines them with applications
2.The combination of multiple independently developed products can quickly realize customers’ intelligent application requirements
3.Offline programming software quickly generate trajectory, vision to ensure trajectory accuracy, the combination of the two products to achieve "1+1" greater than 2
4.At present, our products have mature application in shipbuilding, carriage plate and other welding industries to help the intelligent upgrade of robotic welding and cutting manufacturing